COVID-19 Update

AO Sword Firearms provides an essential service to the community in the area of public safety and security, and is therefore open during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. We have the utmost concern for the health and welfare of our staff and clients, so we have implemented several controls in accordance with the State and County social distancing orders:

  • No more than 6 guests in the store at one time.
  • Chairs placed 6 feet apart have been provided for the line outside; please maintain the 6′ space between people by order of the Health Department.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of public areas is occurring frequently.
  • Employee accommodations have been made to preserve their health.

We have also made some operational changes during this unprecedented rush. We are currently closing the line at 4PM on weekdays and 2PM on Saturday. No one who joins the line after 4PM will be served. Unfortunately, we are also too busy to answer the phones, now. We are directing our priority to keeping the wait times down as much as possible for those who have invested their time coming to the shop.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We will weather this uncertain season together, as a community – hopefully with lots of new 2nd Amendment advocates on the other side, now that so many of them have realized a good guy with a gun improves public safety!